Very easily. Not only do the female bed bugs lay 500 eggs in their lifetime, they lay about 2 -3 eggs per day. Once they hatch, these nymphs are already on their way to growing into adults and feeding off of human blood. They also mate quickly and multiply, making it that much more difficult to completely rid them of our living environments.
For example, you visit your local library and bring a book home with you. Without realizing it, you have brought home more than an educational piece of work, but also a new member of the household. Fortunately there are many ways to treat bed bugs. Bed bugs are incredibly flat and the size of an apple seed, so spotting them is not as easy as it seems. Once you have placed that book on your shelf, the bed bug will find a spot to hide in your room. If you happen to have brought home an impregnated female bed bug with you, your chances of an infestation will be that much higher.
Your risk of getting bed bugs becomes higher if you’re a frequent second-hand buyer. Yes, you might have struck a great deal at the bargain store, but instead you could possibly bring he unwanted bloodsucker into your home. Usually those that purchase used clothing or used furniture from Goodwill will have a greater chance of finding a bed bug within the item it traveled on.Tip: Always ask the seller if the item had a history involving bed bugs to save yourself the trouble ahead.
How Do Bed Bugs Spread?
Bed bugs love to travel and we humans help them with that. They travel from house to house only by latching onto someone who has been into a bed bug infested home and subsequently brought them home. Bed bugs will crawl into any item you have. This is why they easily find their way into suitcases, purses, bags, etc. while you are travelling.
Camping with Bed Bugs
Although, if you happen to be staying at a Summer Camp, your chances will become higher as the environment is particularly favourable for bed bugs.
Tip: Ask your child to be cautious and aware of their surroundings. Advise them to check their bed and their roommates’ beds for any signs of bed bugs. Ensue they pack everything into plastic bags in their suitcase at all times.
When your child returns home, DO NOT put their items on the bed or anywhere else until they’ve been washed and dried. For bed bugs to die, the temperatures must exceed 50 ° C (122 ° F).
How Do Bed Bugs Travel and How Far?
Beg bugs travel through you! That’s why it is extremely important o take precaution when travelling. When packing, place you clothing items in clear, sealable bags, safely secure everything, and always keep your hard-cased luggage locked when you’re at your residence. Bed bugs tend to find ways into luggage and will fly or drive home with you. Bed bugs can latch on and travel on your clothes without you realizing it.
Dateline asked Bed Bug expert Dr. Harold Harlan how someone could avoid bed bugs at hotels says one should do a thorough check of the hotel room and bed area for any suspicious evidence of the pest. Check everywhere, including behind the headboard, drawers, underneath the bed, carpet and anywhere near the bed. Always do a quick inspection before placing any of your personal items on the bed or on the furniture. As a precaution, if you’re positive that a bed bug has found a way into your luggage, you can throw your clothes in the drier for about 20 minutes on high heat, enough to kill any bugs.
Bed bug travel is limitless. Once they’ve found a way to latch onto you, this hitchhiker will be able to get anywhere thanks to its host. Because of their resistance to temperatures, bed bugs can thrive in most environments – unless it’s in unbearable heat (48°C) or cold ( -16°) according to
The bottom line is: Always spend time on inspection, whether its in your hotel room, bedroom, second-hand items or luggage. Thoroughly investigating is the key to avoiding bed bug infestation. Take precaution when travelling and do not forget to consult the Bed Bug Registry for more information on your next (hopefully non-bed bug infested) destination! Safe travels!